Virtual Hydrophilic VPS Impression Material 50 ml Cartridge (Ivoclar)
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Virtual Hydrophilic VPS Impression Material 50 ml Cartridge (Ivoclar)

SKU: V450104
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Ivoclar
Manufacturer part number: 562828AN
Price: $64.99

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Virtual® Hydrophilic VPS (Vinyl Polysiloxane) Impression Material is used to create detailed impressions of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Once the tray is inserted into the mouth, the material quickly moves into the setting phase, saving time and reducing the possibility of distortion.

  • Temperature controlled
  • Excellent adaptation to the moist oral hard and soft tissues
  • Excellent moisture displacement
  • Exceptional readability and precision
  • Flexible working times and fast setting phase
  • Optically relaxing colors
  • Fresh peppermint scent
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