Unitek Permanent Stainless Steel Crowns Bicuspid Starter Kit (3M)

SKU: S701121
Weight: 1 lbs
Manufacturer part number: 902600
Price: $688.99

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Unitek™ Permanent Stainless Steel Crowns are prefabricated for short- or long-term adult posterior use covering either molar or bicuspid.

  • Shallow occlusal anatomy means less tooth reduction
  • Thick occlusal surface to prevent bite-through
  • Parallel walls allow for operator fit control
  • Pre-trimmed to optimum length and contour

Contains:84 bicuspid crowns, 2 crowns per size: first bicuspid UR0-UR6, UL0-UL6, LR0-LR6, LL0-LL6, second bicuspid LR0-LR6, LL0-LL6

*Prices are subject to change without notice