Teethmate Desensitizer

SKU: K70051
Weight: 1 lbs
Manufacturer part number: 1210ka
Price: $152.99

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A revolutionary new natural material designed to create the human body s hardest mineral, hydroxyapatite (HAp). It is created exactly where you need it, closing dentinal tubules and enamel cracks. And because it is natural, it is also tissue-friendly. So from now on, you can treat sensitivity with confidence. This can be used in a wide variety of treatment approaches for treating sensitivity: Exposed dentin(Ex: cervica hypersensitivity), scaling/root planing, before/after bleaching, dentin prepared for prosthesis. Contains: 1 -6gm powder, 1 -4.8ml liquid, Accessories: 1 mixing dish, 1 measuring spoon, 50 applicator brushes (superfine).

*Prices are subject to change without notice

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