Sof-Lex Finishing and Polishing Disc (3M)

SKU: S700860
Weight: 1 lbs
Manufacturer part number: 1982C
Price: $91.49

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An easy to use, color-coded system that is designed to simplify your finishing and polishing procedures. Sof-Lex™ discs combine a flexible backing with a round eyelet and low-profile mandrel to yield increased usable abrasive surfaces.

  • Reversible
  • Fast and easy
  • Maximized abrasive surface
  • Choice of disc thickness and flexibility
  • Finishing and polishing composites, ceramics and glass ionomer restorations
  • Color-coded: Superfine (Yellow); Fine (Light Orange); Medium (Medium Orange); Coarse (Dark Orange)
*Prices are subject to change without notice

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