Crown Down Technique
While Quantec files are available in a wide enough array of tips and tapers to be used in any technique, many clinicians prefer the following sequence.
Open the Orifice
This will open the orifice and allow irrigants to permeate the canal.
Establish a Glide Path
This will clear a path for the files used in the shaping sequence.
You are now ready to begin the Quantec four-file sequence. Quantec files maintain a tip size of .25 mm throughout the shaping sequence. These steps should result in a canal that is smoothly tapered from apex to orifice, creating a shape that can be easily obturated.
The Quantec four-file sequence begins with a .12 taper file, which is followed by tapers of .10, .08 and finally .06. These files are positioned in their sequence such that each instrument strategically removes dentin along only a portion of the file. The larger tapers work toward the orifice, allowing the smaller tapers to more easily work toward the apex. These files are passively carried in succession down the canal, repeating the sequence until the .06 file reaches working length.
Apical Preparation (optional)
Accessory Files
Often clinicians prefer to finish in a taper other than .06. Kerr Endodontics carries accessory files that facilitate this while still using the crown-down sequence. They are as follows: .05/ .04/ .03/ .02/ .02/ .15 tip.