Peri Dent 3 Qrts. Developer + 3 Qrts. Fixer Case of 6 Quarts

SKU: KY1604
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Nusource
Price: $59.99

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PeriDent® developer and fixer

For use in automatic rollerless processors, Nu-Source International`s Peri-Dent® is easy to use and has high resistance to oxidation, which provides a longer active life.

Peri-Dent is formulated exclusively to be odorless, thus eliminating the toxic odors associated with darkroom chemicals. It also has special emulsion hardeners to protect the film as it goes through the processor rollers.

In addition, Peri-Dent is color-coded. If the blue fixer is accidentally mixed with the red developer, the fluid turns clear, signifying that cross-contamination has occurred.

Peri-Dent is conveniently packaged in one-quart dispensers with three quarts of developer and three quarts of fixer per case.

3 Qrts. Dev. + 3 Qrts. Fix.

*Prices are subject to change without notice