Orthodontic Instruments

Nobody uses specialty pliers like an orthodontist. From Sky Choice, Hu-Friedy, and Task, we offer them all: Adams, arch forming, band, bracket, and bird beak, contouring, debonding, hammerhead (in nickel-titanium), headgear, hemostat, light and heavy wire bending, hollow chop, hook crimping, horizonal and vertical, how pliers, intra-oral V-bend, Jarabak, kim pliers with cutters, ligature and loops (Marcotte included), Mathieu (serrated tip narrow and wide top ortho), mosquito (straight with hook), Nance loop, O’Brien, and Omega, optical, quad helix, step and stop, teardrop, tie-back, torquing and tube crimping, three-jaw, tweed, V-stop, Weingart, and Young.

Have a look at the hollow chops in particular – they’re perfect for subtle contouring of stainless steel arch wires up to .030" (.76 mm). Or our beautiful Marcotte loopers from Hu-Friedy – ideal for precise forming of helical loops and T loops on wires up to .022" x .025" (.56 mm x .64 mm). While you’re at it, see our lingual debonders. These placed lingually such that one arm of the pliers reaches below the bracket. The arm then hooks under the tie wing of the bracket while the other arm wedges under the bracket's adhesive interface. When squeezed, the wedged arm slides down the lingual surface of the tooth, successfully removing the bracket!

Besides our pliers, check out our band pushers and scalers – large handled, short tipped, even a lovely distal cinch back in slim line – in every size you need. Or our variety of pluggers, pickers, and ligature directors.

And we’ve got bracket placers and holders, ultra-slim tweezers, elastic separators, and distal end benders and every kind of cutter there is, for hard and ordinary wire. We’ve even got a positive positioner, a very popular item, in aluminum, from OrthoTech.

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