One Coat 7.0 Generation Single Component
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One Coat 7.0 Generation Single Component

SKU: W30548
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Coltene
Price: $62.99

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Etching & Bonding

ONE COAT 7 UNIVERSAL is a light-cured, one-component bonding agent used with the self-etching, selectively etching or total etch technique for adhesive restoration.

  • Low-evaporation formula – no volatile acetone-based solvents that can quickly evaporate
  • Nanofilled technology – delivers a homogenous bond layer and improves mechanical properties
  • Outstanding shear bond strength
  • Superior marginal integrity with low risk of marginal sensitivity
  • Antibacterial*
  • One Coat 7.0 Activator – compatibility to chemical-cured materials
  • New user friendly bottle
  • Single Dose

*Test method: Proliferation assay for testing the antimicrobial activity with S. epidermidis by QualityLabs, Germany.

Areas of application:

  • Adhesive attachment of composite materials and compomers on enamel and dentine
  • Adhesive attachment of ceramic and composite restorations to enamel and dentine
  • Adhesive attachment of composite material on ceramic, composite material, metal and amalgam
  • Dentine sealing

Application techniques

Self- Etch: ONE COAT 7 UNIVERSAL is applied on enamel and dentine
Selective- Etch: Enamel is etched, ONE COAT 7 UNIVERSAL is applied on enamel and dentine
Total-Etch: Enamel and dentine is etched, ONE COAT 7 UNIVERSAL is applied on enamel and dentine

*Prices are subject to change without notice