Medit i700w Intraoral Scanner (Medit)

SKU: K60350
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Kulzer, LLC
Manufacturer part number: 66095999
Price: $16,875.00 $16,875.00 Save: 26%

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  • Free from wires, scanning is comfortable at any angle. Scan proximal areas effortlessly without constraints in movement.
  • Scanning speed of up to 70 FPS*. You can experience the amazingly smooth and fast scanning performance of Medit's best-selling model. Enjoy the fast speed of the i700 wirelessly, flawlessly.
  • Outstanding weight balance even with a battery attached for added comfort.
  • Optimized for convenience. Not only from hardware aspects, but also software. i700 wireless, packed with the latest of MEDIT technology
  • *Prices are subject to change without notice

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