Digital Sensors & X-ray Units

Intra-oral x-ray equipment is a Sky Dental specialty. Look at our popular ProVecta HD wall-mounted system. Featuring the precision of a DC generator with a 0.4mm focal spot, this is a perfect companion to any ScanX PSP machine. The DC tube reduces patient radiation dosing by more than 25% compared to conventional AC units. We’ve got the accessories, too. We’ll make sure you have all the film, loops, finishers, and fixers you need – and even radiation monitors! 

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showing 1 - 20 of 31 product(s)
Clio Digital X-Ray Sensors Sota
This item is sold out
Clio Prime Sensors
Price: $4,495.00 $7,995.99 Save: 44%
Drs Ray Sensors
Price: $4,399.00
iRay D3 Portable Dental X-ray
Price: $3,499.99 $4,499.99 Save: 22%
Owandy OPTEO Sensors
Price: $3,699.99