Impregum Penta Polyether Impression Material (3M)
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Impregum Penta Polyether Impression Material (3M)

SKU: S700381
Weight: 1 lbs
Manufacturer part number: P31685
Price: $439.99

Contains:1 (300 ml) base paste, 1 (60 ml) catalyst, 1 Penta™ 3 cartridge, 1 elastomer syringe, 10 Penta™ red mix tips and 1 (17 ml) bottle polyether tray adhesive
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3M™ Impregum™ Polyether Impression Material performs well in moist environments and is ideal for complex cases. Sufficient working time, excellent flowability and intrinsic hydrophilicity help you achieve precise, accurate dental impressions on the first take.

  • Available in your preferred delivery system and viscosity
  • Designed to help you take control of challenging cases
  • Unique moisture tolerance results in excellent detail reproduction and void-free impressions, even in wet environments
  • Constant flowability throughout the whole working time makes it suitable for large and complex cases
  • Snap-set behavior minimizes risk of distortion for precise-fitting restorations
  • Post-set material rigidity helps ensure accurate transfer of implant copings
*Prices are subject to change without notice