Composculp Didier Dietschi Composite Plastic Filling (HuFriedy)

SKU: H500759
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Hu-Friedy
Manufacturer part number: PFIDD1/28
Price: $49.99

Highly polished stainless steel instruments used for composite placement and contouring. 1 of 5 instruments in the CompoSculp kit for anterior & posterior restorations. See case studies and more information at
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Composite instruments make forming and sculpting composite materials a work of art.

  • A variety of composite instruments married into a 5 piece set
  • The option of choosing either a smooth handle or a color coded resinEight® handle
  • Highly polished working ends making for less adhesion when working with composite materials.
  • *Prices are subject to change without notice