Exajet 370 (GCAMERICA)

SKU: G05320
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: GC America
Manufacturer part number: 800088
Price: $44.99

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EXAJET 370 is a heavy body Vinyl Polysiloxane (VPS) impression material that is designed for automated, dynamic mixing machines. EXAJET 370 is available in both "Normal" and "Fast" Set formulas. The cartridge installs in the mixing machine in the normal manner and operates the standard dynamic mixing tip. EXAJET 370 Heavy Body Normal Set is completely compatible with EXAMIX™ viscosities; EXAJET Heavy Body Fast Set is completely compatible with EXAFAST™ viscosities. EXAJET 370 offers the same EXA handling, accuracy, thixotropicity, elastic recovery, stackability, compression and pourability properties to machine mix impression users like EXAMIX and EXAFAST offer cartridge users.

*Prices are subject to change without notice

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