Piranha Disposable Diamonds Round End Taper FG 25/Pkg
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Piranha Disposable Diamonds Round End Taper FG 25/Pkg

SKU: W40861
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: SS White
Manufacturer part number: 850-012c
Price: $57.99

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Piranha Single Use Diamonds make crown preparations predictable and efficient. Too many clinicians use diamonds way past their prime. This can cause heat and postoperative sensitivity. With Piranha, you never have to worry about that and you get the same great cut time and time again. Dr. Louis Malcmacher When cutting enamel and dentin, each and every cut with a diamond should be precise and efficient. Using diamonds past their prime can create severe damage. With Piranha Single-Use Diamonds, there is no need to worry because for each patient, we use a new and fresh diamond. Dr. Gary Johnson

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