

Teledentistry is a revolutionary new technology that falls under the umbrella of Telehealth. It is an emerging field meant to increase access to dentists and dental professionals through video and audio conferencing between patient and doctor. The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center defines telehealth as «a collection of means or methods for enhancing health care, public health, and health education delivery and support using telecommunications technologies.» Telehealth is not a specific service, but rather encompasses a broad variety of technologies and tactics to deliver virtual medical, health, behavioral, and education services. It is primarily a communications tool and is changing the way in which information is passed on between patient and doctor.

Teledentists can now utilize teledentistry software to video chat with patients and treat a variety of potential clients without actually being in front of the patient. This allows for fast responses to emergencies, and professional solutions to most dental/oral care problems, anytime and anywhere. Teledentists combine technology with reliable dental care to better serve the needs of a variety of patients, thereby reducing patient frustrations, wait time, mobility issues, and costs. Teledentists can now provide virtual dental visits for all dental emergencies and urgent oral/dental problems 24/7, utilizing face-to-face communication instead the hassle of sending emails or trying to speak to a receptionist for information. Patients can often resolve their immediate problems within a short amount of time and if needed, schedule next day appointments with the dentist in the office or utilize mobile dental services with companies such as Dentulu, which provide at home dental services through their mobile dental app.

There isn't a more simple way to provide dental care to your patients Dentulu helps dental professionals reach patients while also adding value to your existing practice.

Why should YOU be on Dentulu?

Dentulu is a revolutionary teledentistry and mobile dentistry platform linking dental professionals and patients. Dentistry has existed for well over 100 years but the way in which patients access care is always changing. It was once common practice for doctors to visit patients in their homes, and now with the advent of telemedicine, home visits are on the rise once more. The modern dentist will need to adapt and learn to use technology to care for their patient

Getting New Patients and Helping Existing Patients

Dentulu is more than just patient referrals. It’s a platform that allows dental professionals to easily connect with patients and with each other. We are taking every step to ensure our platform is affordable, secure and private for all of our users. All professionals who sign up on our platform get six months of free access.

Prevent HIPAA Violations

In an effort to provide the most comprehensive service, dentists are now providing patients with the ability to communicate privately through texts and chat rooms. However, many don’t realize that doing so on a platform that is not HIPAA compliant directly violates HIPAA regulations. Dentulu is on a HIPAA compliant platform which enables you to safely and securely exchange patient x-rays or images in our app.

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