Crown & Bridge Removers

You’ll do a lot of crown and bridge removal in your practice. We’ve got you covered. From Sky Choice comes an automatic point-and-shoot gizmo that knocks out bonding quick and easy. Use it anywhere in the mouth. Comes with 3 tempered stainless steel tips and 1 wrench.

Also from Sky Choice comes the Christensen straight manual crown remover, the 90 degree Goldstein, 90 Degree Goldstein Occlusal, a popular little remover with rubber jaws (comes with 20 pads), and the very handy Morrell crown and bridge remover kit. What could be easier!

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Premier Dental has a whole Morrell set too, with hammer, handle, and points, and they also make some fine crown remover flashing, for taking out provisionally cemented crowns without damaging margins or traumatising your patient.

Or do things the Almore International way, with the Richwil crown and bridge remover. This is ideal for inlays. It’s a convenient aid during the fitting procedure, too, and doesn’t require perforation of the crown, and it does allow re-cementation. It’s also really comfortable for the patient. It’s made of food-grade, water-soluble resin, that adheres to teeth, gold, porcelain and acrylic.

Finally, you might need KY pliers. GC America offers a terrific pair just right for easy removal of cast and temporary crowns and metal cores. They’re rasped, with small sharp pins for a really good grip. Use them alone or with add-on tips or emery powder.