C-I Post Fiber (Parkell)

SKU: P22030
Weight: 1 lbs
Manufacturer part number: S090
Price: $225.85

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C-I™ Posts are available in three compositions and feature a unique, tapered design to match the anatomical shape of a tooth’s root canal. Choose from three popular styles.

C-I White Glass Fiber Posts
Parkell’s C-I White Glass Fiber Posts feature enhanced radiopacity for an easier read on x-ray images. They’re composed of a fiberglass/epoxy resin, whose fibers are braided like a glass splinting ribbon to improve strength, stiffness and resist fatigue. A cervical bulge reinforces the post and helps resist marginal opening due to flexing. Each Post is designed to a precise 2.6° taper for safe placement with maximum post length, smooth venting of excess cement and reduced risk of root perforation.

C-I Plastic Pattern Posts (direct or indirect)
The C-I Plastic Pattern posts are ideal for cast posts and cores using either the direct or indirect technique. Simply half-fill the lubricated post hole with self-cure resin or wax, then seat the C-I plastic burnout post. Fill a core pattern with wax or acrylic and slip the pattern over the post to create a fast, ready-to-sprue post/core assembly. After you’ve removed the pattern, use the stainless steel temporary post to retain the interim restoration. Simply cement the post, fill a plastic crown with tooth-colored acrylic and seat it over the post’s head for coverage until the casting comes back from the laboratory.

C-I Stainless Steel Posts (direct)
The C-I Stainless Steel post gives you a proven chairside system for amalgam or composite cores. The embossed head provides undercuts to grip the core material. If necessary, you can also reduce the head with a diamond or carbide before cementation. Serrations along the shank assure strong retention in the cement. After cementing the C-I post in the canal, just fill the pattern with composite and seat it over the post’s head for an instant anatomical core.

*Prices are subject to change without notice