DRS Cam Touch

SKU: GD0003
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: GoodDrs
Price: $1,489.00

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✓ High speed digital wireless 
High speed digital wireless provide more clear live image without interruption
✓ Wireless receiver
Compact wireless receiver without any power supply
✓ Auto focus
Can get clear image with auto focus function in oral cavity
✓ HD image
Can get high definition image without distortion
✓ Gyro mouse built-in
Useable as a mouse
✓ 280˚ twist head
Easy to get approach anywhere in oral cavity
✓ OLED screen
Bright and clear OLED screen indicates various device status
✓ Adjustable LED brightness
To avoid image quality loss by light reflection, can adjust LED brightness
✓ 3 Color Impressions
Can change live image color impression (Original, Warm, Cool)
✓ Software compatibility
Can be use camera with most of dental imaging software. * It would need twain driver for some of dental imaging software

*Prices are subject to change without notice

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