NIT CeraGlaze Intra Oral Polishing Kit Logic Set (Kerr)

SKU: K453211
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Kerr Rotary
Manufacturer part number: LS-503
Price: $134.99

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This set includes seven essential polishers (4 white pre-polishers and 3 CeraGlaze®) to remove scratches and achieve a natural “wet look” shine on porcelain. This set will restore a high shine without the use of paste and

  • Description: CeraGlaze Intra Oral Polishing Kit Right Angle Logic Set Metal Each

  • Contains: 1 of each pre-polishers: (white: silicone/adjusting/RA) P0352 - Flame, P0355 - Inverted Cone, (yellow: superfine/reglaze-high shine) P30032-3 - Flame, P30033-3 - Flame, P30035-3 - Inverted Cone

    *Prices are subject to change without notice