NTI CeraGlaze Porcelain Adjusting & Polishing Extra-Oral Set (Kerr)

SKU: K453249
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Kerr Rotary
Manufacturer part number: LS-911
Price: $423.99

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Extra Oral Porcelain Adjusting & Polishing Set
Contains: the 17mm square edge wheels and points in all three steps in extra oral adjusting and polishing on all porcelain restorations.
HP Shank

CeraGlaze Porcelain Adjusting & Polishing Set Handpiece For Porcelain Extra Oral Diamond Impregnated LS 911 Each

Contains: 1 of each CeraGlaze® polisher: (Coarse/Pre-Polishing) P343, P344, (Fine/Refining) P3043, P3044, (Superfine/Reglaze-High Shine) P30043, P30044

*Prices are subject to change without notice