Waterline In Office 24-Hour Test Kit Vial, 4/Pkg
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Waterline In Office 24-Hour Test Kit Vial, 4/Pkg

SKU: H505536
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Hu-Friedy
Manufacturer part number: IMS-1004
Price: $84.99

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24-Hour In-Office Dental Waterline Test Kit



Our 24-Hour In-Office Waterline Test Kit allows you to quickly and easily confirm your water is safe and compliant.

  • Quick Results - Detects microbial levels that exceed 500 CFU/mL within 24 hours at room temperature.
  • Simple Process - Collect water samples directly into provided vials, then just seal and shake.
  • Immediate Neutralization - Agent inside the vial stops the action of any antimicrobial used to treat water, ensuring a more accurate result.
  • Easy-to-Read - Determine pass/fail with clearly identifiable color change results.
  • Comprehensive Support We provide you with knowledgeable, professional support and resources to help you understand your testing results and support your overall water program.

*Prices are subject to change without notice

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